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Methocarbamol Dog Dose Calculator

Calculate Methocarbamol Dosage for Dogs

Important: Please follow the dosage recommendations based on your dog’s specific condition and always consult your veterinarian for personalized advice. The information provided is a general guideline and should not replace professional medical judgment.

Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant commonly prescribed to dogs to alleviate muscle spasms, tremors and related conditions. This medication works by depressing the central nervous system, providing relief from involuntary muscle contractions and promoting relaxation. Our Methocarbamol dog dose calculator will provide you the accurate dosage according to general guidelines.

Visit our other Dog Dosage calculators.

Veterinarians often recommend methocarbamol for dogs suffering from conditions such as intervertebral disc disease, poisoning from toxins or seizures induced by toxic substances. Methocarbamol is considered effective in managing symptoms and improving a dog’s quality of life when dealing with these medical issues.

FDA Approval for Dogs

Methocarbamol has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for veterinary use, specifically in dogs. This approval confirms the medication’s safety and efficacy when used as directed by a veterinarian, however like all drugs, it is also not 100 percent safe. Its approval underscores its importance in treating a variety of conditions in dogs, ensuring that it meets the necessary regulatory standards for use in animals. While methocarbamol is available for human use, the veterinary formulation is specifically designed to meet the needs of dogs, with dosing recommendations that differ from those for humans.

Methocarbamol Dosage for Dogs

Methocarbamol Dog Dose Calculator

The appropriate dosage of methocarbamol for dogs depends on factors such as the method of administration (oral or intravenous) and the severity of the condition being treated. Here’s a breakdown of the dosage guidelines:

  • Oral Dosage: The standard oral dose for methocarbamol in dogs ranges from 61 to 132 mg/kg per day. This total daily dosage is typically divided into two or three smaller doses to be given throughout the day.
  • Intravenous (IV) Dosage: When administered via IV, the dosage is typically 44 mg/kg, with a maximum dose of 330 mg/kg.

Methocarbamol Dosage for Specific Conditions

  • Moderate Conditions: For moderate conditions, veterinarians may prescribe an oral dosage of 132 mg/kg per day, divided into doses taken every 8 to 12 hours. Alternatively, a single IV dose of 44 mg/kg may be administered.
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease: In cases of muscle stiffness due to intervertebral disc disease, an oral dosage of 15–20 mg/kg three times daily is often recommended.
  • Severe Toxicity: For severe reactions such as those caused by strychnine, tetanus or other toxins, an initial IV dosage of 55–220 mg/kg may be administered, with follow-up doses as needed.
  • Metaldehyde Poisoning (Snail Bait Poisoning): For metaldehyde poisoning, the initial IV dose is typically 50 mg/kg, with additional doses as necessary.

These dosages provide a general guideline for methocarbamol use in dogs. It’s important to follow your veterinarian’s instructions carefully, as dosages may be adjusted based on your dog’s specific condition and response to the medication.

Side Effects of Methocarbamol to Dogs

While methocarbamol is generally considered safe for dogs, it can cause side effects, particularly if the dosage is not properly adjusted. Common side effects of methocarbamol in dogs include:

  • Sedation or drowsiness
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Weakness or lethargy
  • Unsteadiness or lack of coordination

In cases of overdose, symptoms may become more severe, potentially leading to respiratory depression, extreme weakness or even collapse. If you suspect that your dog has received an excessive dose of methocarbamol, contact your veterinarian immediately. Monitoring your dog for any unusual behavior after administering the medication is crucial to catching any adverse reactions early.

How to Use Methocarbamol Dog Dose Calculator

When it comes to ensuring the right dosage for your dog, our Methocarbamol Dog Dose Calculator can be an invaluable tool. The calculator takes the guesswork out of determining the correct methocarbamol dosage for your dog based on their weight and the condition being treated.

To use the methocarbamol dog dose calculator, simply input your dog’s weight and select the condition they are being treated for, such as general muscle spasms, intervertebral disc disease or poisoning. The calculator will then provide the recommended dosage, whether the medication is being administered orally or via injection. This is particularly useful for conditions requiring different dosages, such as those outlined in the methocarbamol for dogs dosage chart.

By using the methocarbamol for dogs dosage chart within the calculator, you can rest assured that you are giving your dog the correct amount of medication, adjusted for their specific needs. Whether you’re treating moderate muscle spasms or severe poisoning, the calculator takes into account the appropriate dosage guidelines for each scenario.

It’s essential to understand that the methocarbamol dog dose calculator is a helpful tool for ensuring your dog receives the correct dosage of methocarbamol. However, it should not replace professional veterinary advice. Always consult your veterinarian before starting or adjusting any medication regimen for your dog. This is especially important for managing the risk of methocarbamol dog overdose, as exceeding the recommended dosage can have serious consequences for your pet’s health.

Methocarbamol Dog Dosage Chart

Here a simple Methocarbamol dog dosage chart on the basis of general guidelines.

key notes:

  • Oral Dosage Range: 61–132 mg/kg per day, divided into 2 or 3 doses.
  • IV Dosage Range: 44 mg/kg, up to a maximum of 330 mg/kg.
  • Dosage Frequency: Typically every 8 to 12 hours, depending on the condition.
ConditionAdministration MethodDosageFrequency
Moderate ConditionsOral132 mg/kg/day (divided into doses)Every 8 to 12 hours
IV44 mg/kgSingle dose
Muscle Stiffness (Intervertebral Disc Disease)Oral15–20 mg/kgThree times daily
Severe Toxicity (Strychnine, Tetanus, Toxins)IV55–220 mg/kgInitial dose, followed by additional IV doses as necessary
Metaldehyde Poisoning (Snail Bait Poisoning)IV50 mg/kgInitial dose, followed by additional IV doses as necessary
Note: This chart is on the basis of general guidelines, please make sure to contact with your Vet before administration of any medication to your dog.


Methocarbamol is a widely used muscle relaxant for dogs, approved by the FDA and commonly prescribed for conditions like muscle spasms, intervertebral disc disease, and toxin-induced tremors. Proper dosing is essential to ensure your dog’s safety and well-being. By using our methocarbamol dog dose calculator, you can easily determine the correct dosage for your dog based on their weight and the condition being treated. However, always consult your veterinarian to confirm that the dosage is appropriate for your dog’s specific needs.


  1. Methocarbamol (Robaxin-V), Veterinary Partner
  2. Snail bait poisoning in dogs, Veterinary Partner
  3. Skeletal muscle relaxants for animals, Merck Veterinary Manual

Reference Studies

  1. Botelho, A.F.M., Machado, A.M.D., da Silva, R.H.S. et al. Fatal metaldehyde poisoning in a dog confirmed by gas chromatography. BMC Vet Res 16, 139 (2020).


  • Raza.T

    Hold an MPhil in Agriculture and have over 4 years of experience in academic scientific research. My work has focused on applying research methodologies to solve real-world problems, with a dedication to precision and evidence-based findings. This experience enables me to create reliable, research-backed tools and content, ensuring that every resource I develop is rooted in scientific rigor.

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  • Zubi.

    A DVM with extensive experience in medicine. Driven by a passion for improving pet care, with the collaboration of other researchers, we have created a range of medical calculators designed to support veterinarians and pet owners. DVM at Siniha Pet clinic, Sharjah, Emirates

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